Wadden Sea educators celebrate 20 years of IWSS networking

Over 30 educators and interpreters from all over the Wadden Sea celebrated the 20th anniversary of the International Wadden Sea School (IWSS). On 8-10 November 2023, the representatives of more than 20 visitor centres and the Wadden Sea Youth met on the East Frisian Island of Norderney for their annual trilateral workshop. Hosted by the WattWelten Wadden Sea World Heritage Visitor Centre, the participants shared experiences, exchanged approaches, and collectively developed ideas for transnational activities and trilateral resources dedicated to Wadden Sea education.
In the framework of the event, the IWSS commemorated its 20th anniversary, signifying two decades of promoting trilateral Wadden Sea education and fostering collaboration in the Wadden Sea region. Throughout these years, the network has been at the forefront of driving environmental knowledge and establishing strong partnerships within the region. The IWSS stands as a beacon of collaboration, uniting environmental educators from Wadden Sea visitor centres in Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands in an open network.
Coordinated by WWF Germany and the Common Wadden Sea Secretariat, the IWSS serves as the cornerstone of trilateral Wadden Sea World Heritage education. It is now entrusted with the implementation of the “Wadden Sea Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development and World Heritage Interpretation”, agreed upon in 2018.